Pascall+Watson are proud to be a key project partner for Skybus - an advanced air mobility project funded through Innovate UK’s £30m Future Flight Challenge Fund - along with GKN Aerospace, Swanson Aviation Consultancy and Connected Places Catapult.
Skybus explores a novel transport network based on large electric Vertical Take-Off & Landing (eVTOL) vehicles capable of carrying between 30-50 passengers each. It takes the ‘Park & Ride’ concept into the air for mass transit over congested commuting routes, eliminating the two-dimensional constraints experienced by surface transport modes such as cars, trains and buses. This will not only offer direct benefits in reduced travel time at affordable fares, but will also reduce the congestion across the ground transport network itself.
Pascall+Watson’s Project Director Martin Neilan commented: “Leveraging our extensive experience in global transportation infrastructure design, we bring an understanding of real-world feasibility to what has, until recently, been something seen only in movies. Working with such talented partners on this bold new world of air travel and understanding where these ventures could take both urban and regional travel networks has been very motivating.”
Pascall+Watson’s Director Julian Carlson commented: “We are excited to be shaping the next generation of air mobility with the Skybus project team. The collaboration provides the opportunity for Pascall+Watson to contribute our specialist expertise to this forward-thinking initiative and builds upon our previous conceptual development for both central London and regional vertiports.”
Image shown courtesy of GKN Aerospace illustrates a smaller GKN vehicle currently being built and tested